Optimise your Vascular Access Insertion and Maintenance Practice

AVAS AVATAR vascular access in intensive care


Optimising insertion and maintenance

Part of the pre World Congress in Vascular Access in Intensive Care Units program


TIME: 8:30am-5:00pm (choose half or full day attendance)

VENUE: Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre

COST: Morning workshop $250; Afternoon lectures $130 (full registration of $330 available) *discount for AVAS members and delegates from low income countries

Enquiries: info@avas.org.au


Monday 14 October 2019

AVAS and AVATAR are pleased to present WCICU delegates with the opportunity to engage with leading Vascular Access clinicians and researchers for hands on and interactive workshop and lectures exploring strategies, techniques, practice and products to optimise patient outcomes.


Morning 0830-1230h: Advanced VA insertion workshop | troubleshooting difficult access and alternative approaches

Afternoon 1330-1700h: Interactive lectures & discussion | understanding and managing complications for Vascular Access in Intensive Care Units

Registration Fees
Morning Members $225
Workshop -Limited numbers. Includes arrival tea and coffee, morning tea and lunch Non-members $250
Low-income country* $50
Afternoon Members $110
Interactive lecture. Includes afternoon tea. Non-members $130
Low-income country* $50
Full day Members $300
Includes arrival tea and coffee, morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea. Non-members $330
Low-income country* $100

* Please note reduced registration rates are available for participants residing in low and middle income economies as defined using classifications from the World Bank. Please click here for more information.


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Dr Evan Alexandrou Assoc Prof Amanda Ullman Assoc Prof Andrew Bulmer
Dr Evan Alexandrou, Craig McManus & Nicholas MifflinWestern Sydney University and Liverpool Hospital Sydney NSW Assoc Prof Amanda UllmanGriffith University and Queensland Children’s Hospital Assoc Prof Andrew BulmerGriffith University and Gold Coast University Hospital

vascular access in intensive care units

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