Recent Poll Results Highlight Current Industry Trends and Solutions

I.V. House IV site protection products and TLC Splints make it easy for nurses to visually and manually assess the IV insertion site and surrounding tissue to detect early signs of problems.
In a recent poll of pediatric nurses, an unobstructed view of the IV insertion site was shown to be a high priority in preventing patient harm.

During the Society of Pediatric Nurses 2021 virtual conference, IV House created a poll to ask nurses who visited their online booth about preventing patient harm during IV therapy. Here’s what they had to say:

97% of nurses said it’s important to be able to visualize the IV insertion site and extremity.

Hourly assessments are important to check for early warning signs of IV complications. Traditional armboards are opaque and require removal to visually and manually assess the IV insertion site. See-through openings in the TLC® Splint, available for the wrist, elbow, and foot, allow nurses to Touch, Look, and Compare the extremity with an IV catheter to the opposite extremity to check for early warning signs of complications.

chart image 2
How important is being able to visualize the IV insertion site and extremity?
blue dot 91% Extremely important
magenta dot 6% Somewhat important
green circle O% Neutral
purple circle O% Not important at all
orange dot 3% Other (Depends upon the situation)
Chart showing the importance of visualizing the IV site and surrounding tissue

100% of nurses said IV insertion site protection could help prevent IV catheter loss.

The most recent edition of the Journal of Infusion Nursing Infusion Therapy Standards of Practice recommends the use of clear VAD covers to protect vascular access devices and vascular access sites to help prevent accidental dislodgment. (page S112) The I.V. House UltraDome® and I.V. House UltraDressing® both provide clear, ventilated domes to protect the IV catheter and loop of tubing against the bumps and snags that can lead to accidental dislodgment.

chart image 2
Do you feel that added IV insertion site protection could help prevent IV loss?
blue dot 97% Yes
magenta dot 3% Potentially
green circle O% No
100% of respondents felt IV Insertion site protection would potentially or definitely help prevent IV loss.

82% of respondents said their hospitals are experiencing common IV therapy complications.

There’s a reason a large majority of 2021 U.S. News Best Children’s Hospitals use I.V. House products to help improve patient safety and increase nurse efficiency. You can read more about how combining I.V. House products with complementary interventions helps prevent common complications including infiltration, extravasation, and accidental dislodgment in an earlier blog post.

chart image 3
Is your hospital currently experiencing any IV-related complications?
blue dot 29% Yes (Unspecified)
magenta dot 47% Infiltrates/PIVIES
green dot 6% Accidental dislodgment
purple dot 6% Multiple stick attempts
orange dot 6% Not sure
yellow dot 6% Pumps going off
Infiltrates/PIVIES top the list of complications experienced at respondents’ hospitals.

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Thanks to the Society of Pediatric Nurses for hosting an engaging online conference. We’re looking forward to seeing our Pediatric Nurses in person (fingers crossed) in 2022!